The astrology of the remainder of the calendar year ends with a crescendo around meaning and purpose. There are 5 weeks left to reflect, come to terms and and set intentions that will lead to longer term development. This is because Saturn and Jupiter, the two structuring forces among the celestial bodies, will each be sojourning in their home signs at the same time - a reality for the past 1.5 years that is more than a little unusual. Jupiter will be in the last few degrees of its nocturnal home in Pisces until December 20, 2022, before moving into Aries. Saturn will continue to be in its diurnal home sign of Aquarius until March 2023. For the next few years, Jupiter will be in Aries, Taurus, and Gemini - signs where it is not as beneficient as it is right now. Saturn will be in less accommodating signs until 2039. The next time Jupiter and Saturn will each be in their own home signs at the same time will be in 2069!
Through December 20, the time is auspicious and ripe for reflections, setting final intentions or laying long term plans around the topics covered by the Pisces and Aquarius parts of your personal birth chart. Jupiter is the significator of fulfillment in the broadest sense of the word. Sometimes that looks like “abundance and growth” in a material sense, sometimes it looks like renewal of faith and purpose. Saturn is the significator of boundaries and responsibilities - which often looks like maturity. Taken together, the next few weeks are a moment to actualize the lessons of the past 18 months, reaching back to May 2021. Aquarius and Pisces are neighbor signs, covering birth chart topics that may not seemed aligned or related; however, the combination of Jupiter rounding out in Pisces and Saturn about to enter Pisces from March 2023 - February 2026 means that the Pisces part of your chart will have had significant change this this past year, with the opportunity to consolidate the lessons and step into a more nourished environment or developments in the next few years.
Look at your rising sign to see which topics you can now take stock of or a leap of faith on in order to set the stage for consolidation, structuring, or deeper purpose in the next few years.
Pisces: self, personal development, personality, body/appearance
Gemini: life direction, career, (public) reputation, status in the world, parents
Sagittarius: home, heritage, parents, family
Virgo: significant partnerships, one on one relationships of all sorts
Cancer: faith, higher education and learning, institutional relations, overseas travel
Libra: work life and routines, health and wellness
Aries: mental health, retreat, conception
Capricorn: Education, neighborhood, travel, extended family
Scorpio: children, creative pursuits, dating and romance, sex life
Aquarius: resources, personal finances, support structure
Leo: shared resources, inheritances, death, mental health
Taurus: aspirations, friendships and allies, community
Mutable signs in particular will have developed and grown the past 1.5 years in beneficial ways - all of us will have had those parts of our lives nourished, uplifted, and renewed in receptive and generative capacities. These parts of our lives are now ready for new sense of responsibilities and a more serious undertaking in the next few years. Look back on 2022 to remember your capabilities when 2023-2026 bring their calls of duty.
In moving with the energy of the last few weeks of 2022, December 10 and 22 are good days to take the time to set those intentions or contemplate the greater/longer term plans. Venus moves in Capricorn on December 10, grounding us in our sense of purpose and bringing a seriously good moment of contemplation or deliberation. When the Sun goes into Capricorn for Yule on December 22, it meets up with a newly departed Jupiter, by then in Aries. If anything, declare to yourself the development you want to step into around that Pisces part of your chart the new few years - your future self may remember this time as the seed of a commitment to yourself.
December 2022 dates to watch:
December 10: Venus into Capricorn
December 20: Jupiter into Aries
December 22: Sun into Capricorn, square Jupiter
December 23: New Moon in Capricorn